
For some brands, the standard color palette for their packaging and goods just will not suffice. Whether they need to sparkle to shine, specialty packaging requires specialty thinking. That’s right up our alley. We are always pushing the boundary of what you can do with your inks and coatings, which is why we so often refer to them as concepts.

True Metallic (MG) & Imitation Metallic (IG)

Give your print a hint of preciousness

The Metallic Gold (MG) line offers True brilliant golds for paper applications and high-end graphics in an easy, press-ready ink system (just add water, no need for additives). The Imitation Gold (IG) line of printing inks offers an excellent and cost-effective alternative to true Metallic. Brilliant golds and silvers formulated for low gassing, which extends the shelf life to one year minimum and prints equally as well on film as it does paper. These products are available in 10 micron for fine type laminations or in large leafing for added brilliance.


Make your brand shine above the others

The FG-20 line offers excellent press stability, water-resistance, and single-pass densities. Contact our Customer Service department for a no-charge sample today. For increased transfer and laydown, customers can add 5% of FGLX20-1 press-side if necessary.

U.V. Adhesives

Standard UV adhesives, tailored to meet the unique needs of a wide range of applications.

Specialty application image

Additional Applications